HPNC Membership Form

If you would like to join HPNC, simply print out this form and mail it along with $15 to the address below. Your membership entitles you to four quarterly newsletters plus two issues of Mariposa.

Name _________________________________________

Address _______________________________________



Email Address _____________________________________________________

(Provide your email address to receive e-announcements about meetings and special events. Our email list is private and only for use by our members.)

Phone Number _______________________________________

Dues for Year _______________________________________ (e.g. "2006." Membership is on a calendar-year basis: January 1 - December 31).

Please return this form, with a check in the amount of $15 payable to HPNC, to:

Paul Miller

31 Seal Island Road

Bristol, RI 02809


Please contact Carolyn Hall at Carolynhal@aol.com